Speaking the Truth in Love and
Applying Scripture to Your Needs

Radiant Hope
Biblical Counseling

I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed. This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles.

Psalm 34:4-6

With Biblical Counseling there is hope!

If you’re someone who values the teachings of the Bible and is looking for guidance to overcome the challenges you’re facing in your life, then biblical counseling is the perfect solution for you. With its foundation in biblical principles and values, this type of counseling can provide you with the support and guidance you need to navigate through the difficult times. So why not consider biblical counseling today and take the first step towards living a more fulfilling life?

Are you currently facing a daunting challenge where you feel helpless and unsure of your next steps? Are you experiencing struggles in persevering through intense emotions such as anger, anxiety, bitterness, depression, guilt, or grief? Perhaps you have lost hope in overcoming a persistent addiction, financial difficulty, eating disorder, or physical ailment. THERE IS HOPE!

biblical counseling near me

There is help!

If you earnestly seek God and His guidance, He can use every trial you face to ultimately bring about a greater good. This unwavering hope is consistently affirmed in Scripture and attested by numerous individuals who have sought assistance through the Word of God.

What should you expect in biblical counseling?

  1. Your biblical counselor will collect all the necessary information to comprehend your distinct circumstances.
  2. You will be provided with hope and encouragement rooted in biblical principles, assuring you that your problems can be resolved.
  3. You will acquire biblical insights into the underlying causes of your challenges.
  4. Through coaching and exhortation, you will be guided to think and respond to your difficulties in a manner that will foster enduring transformations and effective solutions.

What is Biblical change?

Our goal is to seek biblical change. This goes beyond just behavioral modification or “turning over a new leaf.” Biblical change is a change at the heart level. Your heart is what makes you who you are, it is the seat of emotions, rational thought, and desires. The Spirit of God with the Word of God, when applied to the heart will change a person. 

The Bible says in Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Christian Counseling near me
biblical counselling
Certified biblical counselors
biblical counseling certification
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom
- Colossians 3:16

Can't make it to the office?

No problem. We are happy to meet with you online through our secure portal. So whether you live nearby and just need the convenience or you live across the country (or in a different country) you can make an appointment to see us. 

Our client portal allows us to meet with you through a secure Telehealth connection. Contact us if you would like more info or sign up for an appointment to get counseling right away.

Telehealth Counseling

We Love the Local Church

Radiant Hope Biblical counseling seeks to play a vital role in reinforcing the local church. While our goal is not to replace the ministry of the local church or compete with churches, we strive to actively contribute to the spiritual well-being of believers within their congregations.

  1. We Encourage Church Attendance: We require counselees to attend church regularly at their local church. We want to emphasize the importance of assembling with other believers (Hebrews 10:25). 

  2. We Encourage Commitment to a Specific Local Church: Some counselees may attend multiple churches without committing to any one in particular. We encourage non-members to join and deepen their commitment to a specific local church. Scripture emphasizes the need for believers to be under the care of church leaders (Hebrews 13:17).

  3. We Want to Equip Church Leaders: We equip church leaders to disciple and counsel effectively. By training pastors, elders, and lay leaders, we want to empower local churches to shepherd their congregations more effectively.

  4. We Want to Strengthen Church Communities: By emphasizing the importance of church involvement, we seek to contribute to building a strong sense of community within local congregations. Regular church attendance fosters fellowship, accountability, and mutual support.

  5. We Help to Address Spiritual Needs: We help individuals grow spiritually by addressing their specific needs. Whether it’s overcoming sin patterns, dealing with grief, or navigating life transitions, we guide our counselees toward biblical solutions.

  6. We will Collaborate with Church Ministries: We will work with existing church ministries, such as discipleship programs, small groups, and pastoral care teams. By working together, we can enhance the overall ministry effectiveness of the local church.

  7. We Model Faithful Assembly: We demonstrate faithful church attendance and active participation. Our commitment to the local church serves as an example for counselees, reinforcing the value of being part of a faithful assembly.

Radiant Hope Biblical Counseling exists to equip and support local churches, ensuring that believers experience the blessing of being cared for within a faithful community of believers.

We are members of ACBC

We stand for...

  1. Theological Faithfulness
  2. Sufficiency of Scripture
  3.  Counseling Excellence
  4. The Church

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