biblical counseling

Every Groan of Your Wounded Heart: A Comforting Reflection

Original Article: Every groan of your wounded heart! Introduction In the quiet chambers of our hearts, where pain and sorrow often reside, we find solace in the compassionate gaze of our Savior. Thomas Guthrie, a man of deep faith, penned words that resonate with every wounded soul. Let us explore the profound truth that every groan,…

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God’s Tender, Paternal, and Ceaseless Watch Over His Children

“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you!” —1 Peter 5:7 The Christian’s life is a delicate balance of cares and comforts. These two forces shape our days, weaving a tapestry of earthly struggles and heavenly solace. Let us explore the profound truth that undergirds our existence: Divine Care. Cares and Comforts Cares, like tendrils from the…