biblical counseling

Discovering True Happiness: A Journey Beyond the Mundane

Author: John Angell James

Link to Original Article: Happiness – Grace Gems


In a world where countless souls seek happiness, John Angell James invites us to explore the essence of true joy. He aims to reveal where genuine happiness resides and how we can attain it. Whether you’ve wept in sorrow or yearned for elusive contentment, this treatise offers solace and guidance.

The Universal Desire for Happiness

Man, fashioned with an innate longing for happiness, relentlessly seeks fulfillment. We all crave something more—a suitable and adequate good that transcends the mundane. Perhaps you’ve tried various paths, only to find the elixir of happiness elusive. But before you resign to despair, consider this: there may be an unexplored source—one method yet untapped—that holds the key to your heart’s desire.

The Sanctity of Happiness

True happiness isn’t mere frivolity; it’s the sanctity of joy. It’s solemn, yet not gloomy; serious, yet not sad. It’s the bliss of heaven—deep, devout, and holy. The worldling may scoff, unable to grasp its source, but those who have tasted it know its origin. John Angell James doesn’t theorize; he shares the fruit of experience. Having drunk from the fountain of living waters, he beckons us to partake—to drink deeply until we declare, “It is enough!”

The Secret Lies in Submission

The secret of true happiness lies in acquiescence to God’s will. Passivity in His hand, knowing no will but His, brings sweet contentment. Acknowledging a ‘particular providence,’ we discern God’s hand in every event. Repining, discontent, and unsubmissiveness mar our joy. Instead, embrace the divine plan, for therein lies the path to lasting happiness.


As you read these pages, consider the quest for happiness anew. Reject despair; explore the uncharted. John Angell James, a fellow traveler, extends his hand. Follow him to the crystal stream, where thirst dissipates, and you exclaim, “It is enough!” True happiness awaits—the possession of believers who have found it in Jesus, renouncing self-righteousness and humbly receiving Christ.

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