biblical counseling

Embraced by the Everlasting Arms

In the quiet corners of life, where shadows lengthen and storms gather, there exists a promise—a promise that transcends time, age, and circumstance. It is a promise that cradles us in the arms of the Eternal, a refuge unyielding, a love unbreakable.

The Picture of Assurance

The imagery is vivid: a little child nestled in the strong arms of a father. The storms rage, but the father stands unwavering. So it is with our God. At the two extremes of life—childhood and old age—this promise resonates with special assurance. For the lambs, He gathers them in His arms, carrying them close to His heart. And for the aged, He sustains, rescues, and whispers, “Even to your old age and gray hairs, I am He who will sustain you.”

The Symbolic Arms

What does an arm represent? It speaks of protection, like a father shielding his child from danger. Life teems with peril, yet we are assured that nothing can sever us from God’s love. “Underneath are the everlasting arms!” His embrace is both tender and strong.

Affection and Intimacy

The father’s arm around a child signifies love. Held close to the heart, the child experiences affection. The shepherd carries lambs in his bosom, and John leaned on Jesus’ breast. God’s embrace reveals His intimate love for His children.

Omnipotent Strength

His arm is omnipotence. “In the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.” It cannot break. Out of this clasp, we can never be taken. “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish—ever! No one will snatch them out of My hand!”

Endurance Beyond Mortal Arms

Human arms grow weary, even in love’s embrace. They fold in death. But God’s arms are everlasting. They shall never unclasp. Life’s broken affections, fleeting moments of love—they find their remedy in the arms of the Eternal.


And there lies the crux: “underneath.” Beneath the storms, beneath the frailty of human arms, lies the unyielding refuge—the arm that can never be broken.

Read the full article at An arm that can never be broken!

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