biblical counseling

Every Groan of Your Wounded Heart: A Comforting Reflection

Original Article: Every groan of your wounded heart!


In the quiet chambers of our hearts, where pain and sorrow often reside, we find solace in the compassionate gaze of our Savior. Thomas Guthrie, a man of deep faith, penned words that resonate with every wounded soul. Let us explore the profound truth that every groan, every sigh, and every prayer of our wounded hearts reaches the ears of our Lord.

The Limitless Reach of Jesus

If Jesus were merely a man, how could He possibly attend to the needs of His redeemed people scattered across the globe? Imagine the ten thousand prayers uttered in countless tongues, rising simultaneously to His throne. Yet, there is no confusion—none are lost. Jesus hears them individually, distinctly. His omnipresence defies human comprehension.

A Private Audience with the King

Believer, take heart! You are not lost in the crowd. Every groan of your wounded heart, every sigh, and every desperate cry falls as distinctly on Jesus’ ear as if you stood beside His throne. Picture yourself alone with Him, enjoying a private audience in His presence-chamber. His attention is undivided; His compassion unwavering.

Encouragement for the Burdened

We, burdened with sins and sorrows, find comfort in this truth. Our cares, heavy as they may be, do not overwhelm the One who guides planets and bears the weight of the universe. Lay your burdens at His feet, for He listens. Your case cannot be too difficult, nor your heartache too profound. Jesus, the Sovereign of all, leans close to hear your wounded heart.


As the Divine Revealer and Interpreter of Christ’s truth, the Holy Spirit imparts to us a sanctifying receptivity of His Word. So, dear pilgrim, lean on your Beloved. Your groans are heard, your sighs acknowledged. In the presence of the King, you are never alone.

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