God's goodness

My Portion: Finding True Wealth in God


In a world where possessions and wealth are often celebrated, it’s essential to recognize that true riches lie beyond material things. As Christians, we have a unique perspective—one that transcends earthly treasures. Let’s explore the concept of our divine portion and why it far surpasses anything this world can offer.

The Limited Nature of Earthly Possessions

Many people take pride in their possessions and boast of their wealth. However, these riches are fleeting. Possessions have limitations, and wealth can vanish unexpectedly. As believers, we understand that our true worth extends beyond what we can see or touch.

Our Immense Portion: God Himself

The psalmist declares, “You are my portion, O Lord!” (Psalm 119:57). What a privilege it is to claim God as our portion! But what does this mean?

  1. Immeasurable Wealth: Our portion encompasses all the attributes of God’s nature. His goodness, love, wisdom, and power are ours to enjoy. We can confidently say, “My wealth exceeds all this!” Even the vastness of the created universe pales in comparison to our inheritance in God.
  2. Immutable and Unchanging: Unlike earthly possessions, our portion remains constant. God Himself is our unchangeable portion. As the psalmist writes, “They will perish, but You remain the same” (Psalm 102:25-27). Our inheritance in God cannot be forfeited or diminished—it endures forever.
  3. Satisfying and Fulfilling: God satisfies our deepest longings. He is not merely a portion; He is our refuge, our joy, and our strength. When we say, “The Lord is my portion,” we declare our unwavering hope in Him.


As we navigate life’s uncertainties, let’s remember that our true portion lies in God. He is our inheritance, our refuge, and our eternal treasure. May we echo the psalmist’s words: “The Lord is my portion, therefore will I hope in Him!” (Lamentations 3:24).

Read the full article: My Portion!

Note: This summary is inspired by the original article and aims to capture its essence. For a deeper understanding, I encourage readers to explore the complete text.

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