biblical counseling

Near the Cross of Jesus

In the poignant scene of Christ’s crucifixion, we find Mary, the mother of Jesus, standing near the cross. The Gospel of John records this moment: “Near the cross of Jesus stood His mother” (John 19:25).

A Place of Blended Suffering and Love

Take your place with Mary — near to the cross of Jesus. Here, suffering and love meet and blend. In this sacred space, sorrow and sympathy intertwine. As you stand in faith near the cross, you are close to the suffering Savior, the loving Son, and the sympathizing Brother born for your present grief.

The Depth of Christ’s Love

Jesus, in the depth and tenderness of His love, gazes upon His anguished mother. That ineffable look of filial love and sympathy He cast upon her during His soul travail remains etched in eternity. Remarkably, He can enter into your circumstances, understand your grief, and sustain and soothe your spirit. He is the One who has partaken of the cup of woe, and His sympathy lingers on its brim.

The Focus of Divine Love, Sympathy, and Power

The cross of Jesus is the most solemn and awesome spot on this side of eternity. It is the focus of divine love, divine sympathy, and divine power. Whether in suffering, persecution, temptation, prosperity, or adversity — stand by the cross. Repair to it in weakness, cling to it in danger, and hide beneath it when life’s storms rage fiercely.

Close to Your Father’s Heart

Near the cross, you are near your Father’s heart and your Savior’s side. It’s as if you enter the gate of Heaven, standing beneath the vestibule of glory. Divine love welcomes your approach to the cross of Jesus. It pardons your sins, flows over your unworthiness, heals your soul-wounds, soothes your sorrows, and shelters you within its blessed pavilion.

From the Foot of the Cross to the Foot of the Throne

As you stand near the cross, remember that your sorrow is not new to Christ. He invites you to drink the cup submissive to His will, for He drank deeply of it before you. And when the warrior’s sword is laid down, you will spring from the foot of the cross to the foot of the throne — forever with your precious Lord!

Read the full article here: The most accessible and precious spot!


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