blended family counseling

Seeking God’s Glory in a Blended Family

In the article “Blended Family: Navigating Marriage and Parenting for God’s Glory” by Kshitiz Sharma Ghimire, published on the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors’ website, the author provides invaluable biblical guidance for blended families. Ghimire emphasizes that while blended families face unique challenges, they are equally called to honor and glorify God through their marriages…

applied theology

Discovering the Character of God: A Guide for Biblical Counselors

In the enlightening article “Discover the Character of God,” Dale Johnson from the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors emphasizes the importance of understanding God’s character for effective biblical counseling. Johnson argues that diligent Bible study is crucial not only for identifying remedies but also for understanding the context of human brokenness and suffering. The Role…

Christian Counseling

Discovering God’s Unfailing Love in Every Twist of Our Story

The Timeless Love Story Does the love of God still feel like breaking news in your life? As Christians, we sometimes find the “old, old story” growing stale, especially if we’ve walked with Christ for many years. But the writers of Scripture never tire of recounting this theme. They never take it for granted. Psalm…

God's sovereignty

A Reflection on God’s Sovereignty and Our Humble Trust

In a world where luck, fortune, and chance are often invoked, we find ourselves questioning God’s role. But as Christians, we must recognize that there is no randomness beyond God’s reach. Instead of grumbling against Him, we should embrace a humble trust in His goodness and submit to His will. God’s Sovereign Disposal When afflictions…

God's workmanship

God’s Workmanship: From Marred Stone to Divine Masterpiece

Introduction In the realm of artistry, human creators meticulously select the finest materials to craft their masterpieces. But when it comes to God’s workmanship, the process takes a different turn. Let us explore the profound difference between human craftsmanship and God’s divine skill. Materials: The Infinite Difference The Sculptor’s Hand The Divine Painter The Symphony…

God's goodness

My Portion: Finding True Wealth in God

Introduction In a world where possessions and wealth are often celebrated, it’s essential to recognize that true riches lie beyond material things. As Christians, we have a unique perspective—one that transcends earthly treasures. Let’s explore the concept of our divine portion and why it far surpasses anything this world can offer. The Limited Nature of…

God's guidance

Guided by the Hand of God

In our spiritual journey, we traverse a wilderness—a howling, arid expanse. Yet, fear not, for our heavenly Father leads us by the right way. His providence is both varied and purposeful, suited to our needs. Sometimes, we encounter darkness; other times, light. Both are essential for our journey. Meticulous Guidance God’s guidance is meticulous. His…