Christian Counseling

Embracing the Necessity of Afflictions: A Divine Perspective

In the shadowed valleys of suffering, we find a blessed motto inscribed over the lintels of sorrow: “if need be!” These three simple words, like a soothing balm, accompany every arrow from God’s quiver. Let us explore the profound wisdom behind this divine declaration.

The Unseen Purpose

When afflictions descend upon us, we often grope in the darkness, seeking answers. Yet, God’s hand is not arbitrary; it is purposeful. He whispers, “There is a need be!” Even when He leads us from sunlit mountain heights to the darksome glades, His purpose remains steadfast. If earthly prosperity slips from our grasp, if our creature comforts diminish, if bereavement plows furrows in our souls—still, the refrain echoes: “There is a need be!”

The Mysterious Teaching

God’s teachings can be enigmatic. We strain to decipher the letters that spell “God is love.” Clouds obscure our vision; no bright light pierces our sky. But listen closely: “If need be!” These trials are not random; they are calculated interventions. Perhaps our love had waned, our influence diminished. The sun of prosperity may have extinguished the fires of our soul. God, in His wisdom, plies the furnace, ensuring that no heat exceeds necessity.

Infinite Love, Infinite Wisdom

Remember, the “need be” rests in the hands of Infinite Love, Infinite Wisdom, and Infinite Power. Trust Him in the little things and the great. Seek an unquestioning faith. Though other paths might have tempted us, we heed His voice at every crossroad: “This is the way—walk in it!” Our finite minds may falter, but one day, we’ll grasp that affliction—like a ministering angel—serves the heirs of salvation.

The Rainbow in the Cloud

Consider the material heavens: no rainbow without the cloud! The azure blue, the fleecy vapor, the vermilion sunsets—all lovely. But what of the earth? It thrives on raindrops, on the cloud’s tears. So too with our souls. The cloud of sorrow, each raindrop, bears an inner meaning of love. It revives, refreshes, and nourishes. The “need be” is God’s prescription, His remedy for our spiritual health.


Dear pilgrim, when afflictions assail, remember the motto: “if need be.” It is not a cold decree but a warm assurance. God, who knows our frame, tempers our trials. He prunes, purifies, and prepares us for eternity. So, let us embrace the necessity of afflictions, knowing that behind the veil of tears lies a Father’s heart—a heart that loves, disciplines, and shapes us into vessels of honor.

Original ArticleThe Necessity of Afflictions
Author: John R. MacDuff

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