biblical counseling hope

Christ’s Sympathy: Tears of Divine Compassion


In the quiet moments of our deepest grief, we often wonder if anyone truly understands our pain. In those moments, we encounter the profound truth that Christ’s sympathy transcends human comprehension. Let us explore the tears of divine compassion shed by our Savior.

1. Tears at the Grave of Bethany

  • “Jesus wept!” These two words encapsulate the heart of our Lord’s humanity and deity.
  • Picture the Creator of all worlds, the Author of all beings, and the Upholder of the universe—raining tears of human woe upon a grave.
  • Christ’s tears were not mere sentimentality; they were tears of sympathy.
  • His heart resonated not only with His own affliction but also with the sorrow of others.

2. True Sympathy: Weeping with Those Who Weep

  • True sympathy means entering into another’s pain, making their sorrow our own.
  • Our Savior, as our Surety, bears our sins, infirmities, trials, and sorrows as if they were entirely His own.
  • Bereaved mourner, take comfort: the same Savior who wept at Bethany now shares your grief and joins your tears.
  • Your sorrow is not isolated; your tears are neither forbidden nor unseen.

3. The Immeasurable Sympathy of Christ

  • Christ’s sympathy is immeasurable and exhaustless as the ocean.
  • He knows every sigh, every unperceived tear that falls.
  • Psalm 56:8 assures us that our tears are collected in His bottle and recorded in His book.

4. Yielding to His Compassion

  • When human pity fails, Christ’s compassion remains.
  • Our heavenly Father sometimes removes earthly sources of pity to draw us closer to Jesus’ love.
  • Child of sorrow, remember: Christ’s sympathy is exquisite, changeless, and ever-present.


In our deepest grief, we find solace in the tears of Christ. His sympathy is not a distant concept; it is a living reality. As we navigate life’s storms, let us yield our hearts to His rich compassion.

Read the original article by Octavius Winslow here.

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