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God’s Tender, Paternal, and Ceaseless Watch Over His Children

“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you!” —1 Peter 5:7

The Christian’s life is a delicate balance of cares and comforts. These two forces shape our days, weaving a tapestry of earthly struggles and heavenly solace. Let us explore the profound truth that undergirds our existence: Divine Care.

Cares and Comforts

Cares, like tendrils from the soil, spring forth from earthly concerns. They are the weighty burdens that press upon our hearts—the anxieties, the trials, the weariness. They prove us sinners, frail and finite. But in this same life, we find comforts—gifts from Heaven itself. These comforts are not mere happenstance; they are supernatural blessings, bestowed by a loving Father.

The One Who Cares

Imagine a Being so exalted, so holy, that our feeble minds can scarcely grasp His greatness. This is the Lord—the high and lofty One who inhabits eternity. His name is holy; His goodness, immeasurable. He created all things with a word, governs by wisdom, and upholds by power. His resources are infinite, His compassion exquisite, and His patience boundless.

And yet, in all His majesty, He cares for you. Yes, you—the one born again by the Spirit, the stranger and pilgrim on this earth. You, who face humble circumstances, who bear the weight of cares and the scarcity of comforts. You, who grapple with fiery trials, who feel Satan’s relentless pursuit. You, who cling to Christ, finding Him precious beyond measure.

His Tender Watchfulness

God’s care extends to every Christian, regardless of age, strength, or station. The young and the aged, the weak and the strong—all fall within His watchful gaze. He enters into our circumstances, rejoicing over us to do good. Angels obey Him, seraphim adore Him, and creation glorifies Him. Yet, in this grand symphony, He hears our cries, feels our needs, and secures our welfare.

The Heart of Divine Care

What does He do? He thinks of you! He watches over you! He sympathizes with your struggles. Your misery touches His heart, and your cries enter His ears. He cares for you more than the proudest monarch on his throne. As vile, sinful, depressed, and discouraged as you may feel—He cares for you.

Our Comfort and Confidence

So, dear believer, cast your cares upon Him. Let them not weigh you down. For in the vast expanse of eternity, there is One who bends low to hear your voice. His care is not a distant abstraction; it is personal, intimate, and unwavering. As you journey through life’s cares and comforts, remember this: The Lord cares for you!

Read the full article here: Divine Care!

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