God's guidance

Guided by the Hand of God

In our spiritual journey, we traverse a wilderness—a howling, arid expanse. Yet, fear not, for our heavenly Father leads us by the right way. His providence is both varied and purposeful, suited to our needs. Sometimes, we encounter darkness; other times, light. Both are essential for our journey.

Meticulous Guidance

God’s guidance is meticulous. His eye never slumbers, His hand never wearies. Beneath His culture, trials yield blessings, sorrows birth joy, and losses yield wealth. The cloud of sadness softens the light of joy, and vice versa. He balances our history, weaving joy and sorrow, defeat and victory, wounding and healing into a harmonious tapestry.

Afflictions and Blessings

Afflictions draw the godly closer to Christ, while they sink the ungodly deeper into ruin. Our heavenly Father’s hand kindles fire-light around us by night and spreads cloud-veil over us by day. Thus, He leads us homeward, step by step, through the wilderness, toward the city prepared for us by God.

Remember: “My times are in Your hand!”

Feel free to explore the full article. May the Holy Spirit illuminate your heart as you journey, leaning on your Beloved.

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