grief counseling

Navigating Grief Through the Lens of God’s Truth

Grief is an intrinsic part of the human experience, touching everyone at some point in their lives. In the article “Interpreting Grief According to God’s Truth,” Ace Espenshied of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors delves into a Christian perspective on understanding and managing grief. Through personal anecdotes and scriptural references, Espenshied offers a profound exploration of how grief can be viewed not just as a painful ordeal but as a means of spiritual growth and deeper understanding of God’s truths.

A Personal Journey Through Grief

Espenshied opens by sharing a deeply personal story of loss – a miscarriage that he and his wife experienced. This event, filled with sorrow and pain, became a significant point of reflection for Espenshied, driving him to seek comfort and understanding in God’s word. This personal narrative sets the stage for a broader discussion on how Christians can interpret and navigate grief through a biblical lens.

The Sanctifying Nature of Grief

One of the core themes Espenshied explores is the sanctifying nature of grief. While society often urges individuals to quickly overcome grief and return to normalcy, Espenshied argues that grief should not be rushed. Instead, it should be embraced as a sanctifying process that aligns believers more closely with God’s will and character. According to Espenshied, grief serves as a reminder of the brokenness of the world due to sin and the hope of redemption through Jesus Christ.

Grief as a Reflection of God’s Truth

Espenshied emphasizes that grief is an opportunity to reflect on God’s eternal truths. He draws upon various scriptures to highlight that God understands human sorrow and grief, as seen in the life of Jesus. For instance, Jesus wept at the death of Lazarus, showing that sorrow is a natural human emotion even for the Son of God. This acknowledgment of grief by God himself validates the emotions of those who mourn and provides a divine perspective on the process of grieving.

The Eternal Perspective

A significant portion of the article focuses on shifting the perspective from the temporal pain of grief to the eternal promises of God. Espenshied encourages readers to look beyond the immediate sorrow and to focus on the hope of eternal life and the restoration of all things through Christ. This future-oriented perspective can provide comfort and hope to those grieving, reminding them that their pain is temporary in the grand scheme of God’s eternal plan.

Practical Steps for Navigating Grief

Espenshied offers practical advice for those navigating grief, grounded in biblical principles:

  1. Prayer and Scripture: He emphasizes the importance of turning to prayer and scripture for comfort and guidance. Scriptures like Psalm 34:18, which states, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit,” offer solace and reassurance.
  2. Community Support: Espenshied highlights the value of community support, encouraging those grieving to lean on their church family and fellow believers for emotional and spiritual support.
  3. Patience and Acceptance: He advises patience with oneself during the grieving process, acknowledging that healing takes time and that it’s okay to feel sorrow and pain.
  4. Trust in God’s Sovereignty: Trusting in God’s sovereignty and His greater plan is crucial. Espenshied reminds readers that God is in control and that He has a purpose even in their suffering.

Grief and Sin

Espenshied does not shy away from discussing the connection between grief and sin. He points out that much of the world’s suffering, including grief, is a result of sin. However, this understanding also brings to light the hope of redemption and the ultimate defeat of sin and death through Christ. This perspective helps believers to view their grief in the context of a larger spiritual battle and the eventual triumph of God’s kingdom.

Encouragement and Hope

The article closes on a note of encouragement, urging believers to find hope in God’s promises. Espenshied reassures readers that God’s comfort is available to them and that their grief, while painful, is part of their spiritual journey. He calls on them to hold onto their faith, immerse themselves in God’s word, and trust in His eternal plan for restoration and peace.


Ace Espenshied’s “Interpreting Grief According to God’s Truth” offers a profound and compassionate look at how Christians can navigate the painful waters of grief. By viewing grief through the lens of God’s truth, believers can find solace and hope in their faith, understanding that their sorrow is not in vain but part of a greater journey towards sanctification and eternal life. This perspective not only provides comfort but also deepens one’s relationship with God, fostering a sense of peace and hope amid the darkest times.

For those interested in a deeper exploration of this topic, the full article is available here.

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