believer's portion

Understanding the Wealth and Happiness of Believers

In Psalm 16:5, we find a profound declaration: “The Lord is the portion of my inheritance!” This passage encapsulates the spiritual wealth and joy experienced by believers. Let’s explore this concept further and recognize how God Himself becomes the ultimate portion for His people.

The Superior State of Believers

Believers are infinitely superior to the wicked, and their state reflects this truth. God, in His grace, has given Himself to be their eternal Portion. As the portion of His people, God elevates their honor and interest. They become kings, heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ. Imagine the privilege of being God’s special people, His treasure, and His jewels!

The Riches of God as Our Portion

With God as their portion, believers receive abundant blessings:

  • Divine Life: God quickens them with spiritual life.
  • Supernatural Light: God illuminates their hearts with truth.
  • Infallible Wisdom: God counsels and guides them.
  • All-Powerful Aid: God defends and strengthens them.
  • Spiritual Joy: God brings cheer and encouragement.
  • Heavenly Bread: God sustains them with nourishment.
  • Glorious Robes of Righteousness: God clothes them.
  • Excellent Graces and Virtues: God adorns them.
  • God Himself as Their Guard: Protection and security.

A saint’s existence revolves around God, the inexhaustible source of all goodness. God grants pardon, liberty, life, health, light, sustenance, and more. Unlike earthly portions, which are mixed with evil and temporary, God is pure, satisfying, and everlasting. Earthly riches may vanish, but God remains a never-failing portion—our present and eternal inheritance.

The Unmatched Value of God as Our Portion

Earthly portions pale in comparison. While they may be common to all, God is exclusive. He gives Himself only to His redeemed people. We can confidently declare, “For this God is our God forever and ever; He will be our guide even to the end!” (Psalm 48:14).

In conclusion, consider the psalmist’s words: “Whom have I in Heaven but You? And earth has nothing I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is my portion forever!” (Psalm 73:25-26).

Read the full article: God, the Portion of His People!

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