God's sovereignty

A Reflection on God’s Sovereignty and Our Humble Trust

In a world where luck, fortune, and chance are often invoked, we find ourselves questioning God’s role. But as Christians, we must recognize that there is no randomness beyond God’s reach. Instead of grumbling against Him, we should embrace a humble trust in His goodness and submit to His will.

God’s Sovereign Disposal

When afflictions multiply upon us, our response should echo that of Christ: “The cup which My Father has given to Me—shall I not drink it?” Instead of murmuring against God, we should lie as clay in the hands of our all-wise, all-gracious Potter. Just as God led the Israelites to Canaan by a circuitous route, our trials in this wilderness world are part of His sovereign disposal.

Murmuring Against God

Our complaints are often directed at immediate instruments of affliction, but we forget that these creatures are mere rods, staffs, or swords in Jehovah’s hands. Even the crucifixion of our Lord was in accordance with God’s determinate counsel and will. When we murmur, we inadvertently reprove God Himself.

The Offense of God’s Sovereignty

God’s sovereignty in saving grace offends our pride. We arrogate the right to dispense favors, yet deny that right to God. His love for Jacob and His rejection of Esau demonstrate His prerogative. Our presumptions to judge God’s ways are akin to a candle critiquing the meridian sun.


Let us lie as clay, trusting the Potter’s hands. When we question God’s sovereignty, we challenge His right to govern His world. May we humbly receive His Word, abasing self, and acknowledging His supreme authority.

Read the full article: We Should Lie as Clay in the Hand

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